Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Some intention program has been stated regarding regulation and autonomy in Higher Education Institution to be strengthening the capacity of institution as the following:
  • Public Policy Development Program: update regulations according to Education Law and improve existing regulation related to establishment, management, and HEI autonomy. Establish an annual higher education forum. Establish a national coordination mechanism for development of higher education with efficiency and quality. Staffs of DGHE and HEIs attend national and international workshop, training program and study visit on public policy development. Develop a framework of characteristics and capacity of graduate according to labor market and national development
  • Capacity development program: establish scholarship fund for post-graduate through government and DP contribution. Rigorously improve foreign language proficiency of DHE and DSR staff. Continue to build DHE and DSR staff’s capacity through graduate studies in-country and overseas. HEIs upgrade their lecturer’s qualifications7 Improve salary structure of HEIs to ensure sufficient support for qualified teachers to work at the HEIs. Create a brain-gain platform to more actively involve Cambodian graduates from foreign HEIs in higher education. Staffs of DGHE and HEIs attend workshop and study visit on capacity development for higher education.
  • HE-MIS development program: develop HE-MIS and fully operate in order to support the planning process. Staffs of DGHE and HEIs attend national and international workshop, training program and study visit on HE-MIS.
  • In and out country cooperation: through exchange experiences, student, professor, researcher, and programs. Strengthen the management of students in and out of country (dormitories).
  • Physical infrastructure development: improve physical infrastructure of HEIs including facility equipment, laboratory and library installment to support learning, teaching and research activities.
  • HE Result Based Management System Program: develop result-based planning and monitoring. Develop, pilot, and implement HE Result Based Monitoring System 2014-2018. Strengthen result-based monitoring and evaluation for improving partnership between DGHE and HEIs. Prepare annual result-based monitoring and evaluation plan. Staffs of DGHE and HEIs attend national and international workshop and training program on result-based planning and monitoring.